We're all super excited about the second season of our favorite show EVER! The secrets, theories, adventures, and new characters are just waiting to be revealed. Unfortunately, we have to wait until August first before we can see the first episode of the season. But it's coming quickly and I can't wait! 

Now I will share my thoughts on Gravity Falls moving to Disney XD. WHY! I kind of understand, because most of the Disney cartoons got moved, but why this one? It's already been through a whole season! I mostly mad about this because I don't have the XD channel. I'm not a sure how I will be able to watch it. Thankfully, the first episode of season 2 will be played on Disney channel.

Well, besides the XD thing, I'm totally excited just like those cats! Do you have any theories about S2 you want to share? Please do!

(please excuse me for the "your text here" on the cat picture. Whoops!)

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